WE BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE, as God’s Holy Word given to man, which He did by inspiring men to write down what He wanted man to know of both, the DIVINE and the relationship between the DIVINE and creation. We believe God inspired man for this through the Holy Spirit (II Tim. 3: 16, 17), and are therefore without error. Hence we accept the Bible as our final authority on all matters of faith and practice.

WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER as being Eternal and without beginning nor ending (Rev. 22: 13) and the Creator of all things visible and invisible .WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE SON, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father, who took on human form and was fully divine and fully human, being born of the Virgin Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, and who on earth lived, died, was buried, and rose again from the dead, and is now with His Father in heaven.

WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, being a Divine Person and hence GOD, who indwells everyone who believes and obeys the Father and the Son (Acts 5: 32).

WE BELIEVE THAT MAN WAS CREATED BY GOD, in His own image (Gen. 1: 26), and is His Highest form of creation, different from all the rest of His creation; and that man is therefore a Person with the breath of God in him (Gen. 2: 7). We believe, also, that all men are created equal by God, with no distinctions between them in spite of physical, cultural and earthly differences

WE BELIEVE THAT SIN entered our world through the Fall of Man, rebelling against God by submitting to the temptation of Satan, to disbelieve God’s Word and hence disobey Him, resulting in all men having within them a corrupt nature making them prone to sin and needing God’s intervention to be reconciled with God.

WE BELIEVE IN THE GRACE OF GOD that brings man back to God and out of his sin and evil self; and that the Grace of God cannot be earned or gained by merit, but is totally by God’s favour (Eph. 2: 8); and that man can avail of God’s grace by putting his faith in Christ as God, confessing Him as Lord, determining to begin a new life in repentance, and being immersed (buried) in water in baptism; and that none of these are fully effective individually, for the acquiring of salvation from God.

WE BELIEVE THAT THE CHURCH is the Kingdom of God on earth, but yet a spiritual kingdom, not with earthly boundaries or territory or any such limitations but made up instead of men and women whose lives are under the guidance and control of the King of Kings, regardless of their status on earth; and that the Church exists to proclaim who Jesus is, the Lord of all Creation, and to provide fellowship and community to its members.

WE BELIEVE IN THE END OF THIS WORLD TO COME, and that God will restore His Rule, and Reign, over all of His Creation; and that all men will then be judged by Him with regard to their faith in Christ and their life of righteousness; and that those who have obeyed Him and gained His Grace, will live in an eternity with Him referred to as HEAVEN and all others will have permanent separation from Him in a place referred to as HELL.